Like Father Like Son Actors

Atandwa Kani (top), is an actor like his father John Kani. Chadwick
Boseman Black Panther star looks like Atandwa. Amazing casting.

YouTube is something you watch. I had my own YouTube, my father. He was a painter and a carpenter.

He didn’t paint people’s houses, but he sold the window pelmets he made, with little me handing him saws, nails and hammers of different sizes.

My dad was my YouTube. He brought home funny food. He called it spaghetti and macaroni. It was funny because we were born and raised in Africa and it was not in our diet. Dad showed me how to boil spaghetti and how to prevent it from sticking to each other.

Justin Trudeau is Canada’s Prime Minister. He watched a human YouTube, his father, Pierre Trudeau who was Canada’s Prime Minister for 15 years. Justin grew up to be just like his father, a prime minister.

Atandwa Kani has a YouTube dad. He grew up in South Africa watching his father John Kani, an actor famous for doing justice to stage and film roles. Father and son are in Black Panther, Ryan Coogler’s film, which put B into blockbuster.

The human YouTube might be extinct very soon, because YouTube has parenting videos. Kids can no longer watch parents washing the car, baking, planting and harvesting.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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