Blackboard Kitchen

Pic: Designed by Nonqaba waka Msimang.

A kitchen blackboard is not only for reminders that you’ve run out of milk or tomatoes. You can use it for reminders such as change shower curtain or Didi’s hockey game as well.

Did you say kitchen blackboard? Who needs them, when my phone is my world, my personal assistant, my shrink, my temple, my lover?  Slow down, point taken.

First of all, very few people have big country kitchens that can accommodate a corner with a blackboard. If you do have some space, where do you find it and what about chalk? Do they still sell it?

You will find these items if you think of a blackboard as a tool to help your kids with spelling. Make it fun. They are not sure of a word, and parents or grandparents are not home, should they Google? No.

It’s not only spelling. They like saying ‘Mum please don’t forget.’ That is quite common because Moms put the M in multi-tasking. Tell them to write only keywords on the blackboard. Knit. Knead. Need. Nick. Niece.

This is another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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