No Vacation This Summer

“What are you doing this summer?”
“Honestly, we don’t know.”

The 2020 summer will be frustrating for people who take annual holidays because they will look at their cellphone calendars and groan: “We would be in the Maldives by now.”

Photo: Nonqaba waka Msimang.
COVID-19 forced them to cancel everything. They had booked flights, hotels, chalets, camping sites and even got medical shots for the countries they intended to visit.

Folks who have second homes are not worried because they will drive to the cottage as they do every summer. They don’t have to worry about being in the thick of things like airports, nightclubs and beaches, where social distancing is impossible. Try swimming with a mask.

Summer vacation and owning a second property is for people who can raise credit for these things or have some petty cash like Oprah or Michael Bloomberg. We call them rich.

However, there are millions that cannot relate to COVID-19 upsetting summer plans because they don’t go on vacation. Simply put, they cannot afford it.

In her book, The Bridge to Brilliance, educator Nadia Lopez laments that she doesn’t like summer because of her scholars from low income families. Their summer means being holed up in high rise buildings, scared of venturing out for fear of being shot in drive-by shootings or being inducted to gang violence.

“You can’t wait to get on that plane or drive to the beach; meanwhile our scholars will be home by themselves for hours at a time. And the only thing they’ll be able to do is watch T.V.” Page 177.

Lopez, Principal at Mott Hall Bridges Academy in Brooklyn was talking to her staff about kids who do not go on vacation because parents cannot afford it, despite sometimes working two jobs.

This summer, kids with parents with means will find the whole thing very stressful. COVID-19 has made money worthless, because people who enjoy things money can buy like summer vacation, cannot buy them.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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