Stuck at Home

This virus has put my life on hold. No work? I wouldn’t know what to do with myself at home for two weeks.

Housewives look at each other and laugh. They have been doing something for corporate headquarters (the home) for centuries, raising kids, balancing paltry home budgets, farming, babysitting in-laws and cooking.

Ten things that can occupy your mind and hands during this coronavirus shut down.
1. Clean the fridge and throw away that pathetic carrot and lettuce.
2. What is in these boxes? Clean the basement, store room or pantry.
3. Pull down curtains and wash them. Curtains/drapes are still popular in Africa. Europe and North America prefer blinds.
4. Change bedding. So, you’ve never washed that duvet since you bought it two years ago? Bed bugs have made a note of that.
5. Empty your closet. Wash everything. Throw away those cloth sneakers because that is where the funk is coming from.
6. Empty your backpack and throw away that banana you forgot in there.
7. Clean your laptop screen.
8. Transfer all phone photos to the laptop.
9. Create photo files: ‘carnival’ ‘graduation’ ‘book launch’ ‘wedding’ ‘Bat or Bar Mitzvah’ ‘baby shower’ ‘grandma’ ‘twitter’ ‘selfie’ etc.
10. Learn how to cook. You have control over what goes into your body.

This virus is forcing us to re-examine our lives. What if I can’t work anymore? What would I cut from my budget if the virus permanently cripples the industry I work in?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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