Photography 101

College is out, making it the longest March Break in education history. Future book titles: The Corona March Break or The 2020 March Break.

Pic: Nonqaba waka Msimang
When the world is healthy, students go to class, which might be Photography 101. It’s hard to guess what professors teach them, because arguably, 70% of the world, both rural and urban, palms a cellphone.

Photography basically answers two questions:
What is in the photo?
Why was it taken?

The photographer is not here to provide answers, so you give your own interpretation. What or who is in the photo can only be answered if the photo is clear. Guess what? The photo might be out of focus intentionally, but that is for Advanced Photography.

What is in this blog pic?
1. A man on his motorbike.
2. A kid looking at a man on his motorbike.
3. People wearing shorts on a summer’s day.
4. A woman holding a baby.
5. A busk stop where musicians come with their guitars and strum along. People stop, enjoy the music and give them some money.

Why was this pic taken?
The kid is silently asking the man why he doesn’t have a bike helmet. Maybe that’s why the photographer took the pic.
The biker was just about to put on his helmet and ride off. The kid didn’t see the helmet.
The kid is wishing he could be grown up and ride that machine.
Photographer took the pic to show the boy’s shoes: Size O.
The woman is holding the baby because she does not have a stroller/pram/pushcart.
The woman prefers close contact with the baby.
The pic was taken in a country where women are free to wear shorts.  They have freedom of choice in whatever they do.

When? This question is not critical in photography unless it is a sunset, sunrise or night photo of Times Square in New York. Photos are also taken in the studio, so the question when is not applicable. You can also manipulate time. Filmmakers like Zhang Yimou, who directed Red Sorghum and many other Chinese films, ‘create night’ by putting blue filters on the camera.

Very Important: Make up your mind. What do you want to shoot? The answer will decide where you stand. Go on the floor when you take kids’ pictures.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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