Coronavirus and Masks of Death

Canada and the U.S. have a problem. Face masks are out of stock.  More people are buying them because they think masks will save them from contacting the coronavirus.

In a March 4, 2020 tweet, Barack Obama former U.S. President and other concerned leaders globally, are spreading the message: “Save the masks for health care workers. Let’s stay calm, listen to the experts and follow the science.”

Few people are listening. They think masks will protect them from death. Impossible! Death is inevitable like the change of seasons. Leaves fall after summer, summer comes after spring and spring comes after winter.

Buying masks is a denial of life. You are born, so you shall die. Look at Egypt. Kings knew they will die and came up with creative ways to prolong their immortality. Britain had no business to desecrate the tombs but that’s another blog.  

2Pac, the American rapper lived for death. Does that make sense? It's because most of his work was, is about death. The piece Death Row is one example.

The current issue is coronavirus and how we are scared of death. What is interesting is what will be written on our tombstones.

1. He was hit by a car at a pedestrian crossing, wearing a mask.
2. He died laughing at a comedy club wearing a mask.
3. She died screaming his name during a moment of passion, wearing a mask.
4. She died of a heart attack, wearing a mask.
5. She died having her legs waxed, wearing a mask.
6. He died at the gym, pumping iron, wearing a mask.
7. He canceled the cruise vacation but died on his armchair, watching rugby wearing a mask.
8. He died while driving the No: 18 bus wearing a mask.
9. He died during a television interview about coronavirus, wearing a mask.
10. She died while buying masks for her two children that attend an international nursery school.

The morale of the story is: we don’t know how we are going to die. We cannot blame China for wearing masks because death is inevitable and it is a big secret.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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