Losing Followers Nothing Personal

Stressing about why folks un-follow/de-follow you is a waste of emotional energy and self-depreciation. Why did they cut me loose?

Garlic at a farmers' market.
Photo: Nonqaba waka Msimang.
It has nothing to do with you. They followed you for their own agenda, not because you have the same interests as you thought. That is the lie peddled at the introduction of ‘social media’ a platform that is highly un-social. It is a marketplace, period.

The internet is un-real because we are not, who we say we are. It is also lawless as you know, so there is no law that says follow me, because I follow you or, don’t un-follow me. If couples divorce in the real world, how about the mirage that is the internet?

There is no science in the follow and unfollow game. What can I get from following this guy? Two weeks go by and i hit the unfollow button, because what I thought I can get from him, is not happening.

The trick is not to lose focus. You. What do you want from the people you follow? For me, it is self improvement, photography for example. I want to learn more about it, especially because I’m still clueless about f-stops. Therefore I hang on to photographers I follow, some of them don’t follow me back.

Some people drop the p- in photography and prefer hoto-graphy, photos they consider hot because nothing is covered. Because I know what I want, I don’t follow body parts.

Incredible! Why did this character follow me? Where is the face, just body parts invading my line of vision. But, there are people who will kill to have those bits and pieces follow them, the same people who de-followed you.

Therefore, it is pointless crying over spilt milk, or body parts. You are beautiful, intelligent and you are here and not six feet underground. You are not less of a human being because a faceless person de-followed you.

Unfortunately, we forget that social media is nothing by old school magazine covers and style sections of newspapers.

Your school principal was never on a magazine cover but Miss Corn Harvest was. Women who never said a word, just pointed at prizes on television game shows were on magazine covers. Royalty, musicians, movie and sports stars were in the style section of your local daily newspaper that went bust, killed by the internet.

Therefore, self-depreciation because people de-followed you is uncalled for. The internet is not for you, but for the rich, famous and clothes-free. It’s sad when little girls drop the clothes with the hope of garnering more followers.

It just limits their future options because they can never be German Chancellor like Angela Merkel or World Bank president, because somebody will unearth that hoto-graphy post, 20 years from now. Ask Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister about dangerous archives.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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