A Child Named The Sun

What is known as ancient civilizations had many things in common such as respect for mother earth and only disturbing her for sustenance: food and shelter. These civilisations also worshipped the sun and moon, two things that do not have a plural. We never say suns or moons.

Ama-Zulu regard the sun as the very essence of life.  That is why they call a day i-lan-ga.  A day is also called u-su-ku (see 25 June 2019 post).  The sun always comes out, bad mood or not.  Human beings are not that fortunate. 

There is no guarantee that we will wake up in the morning or cross the street safely without being hit by a car because the driver was on the phone, sending a hate message.  That is why Ama-Zulu believe that we are given one sun (a day) at a time. 

It is the benevolence of the Creator that makes us rise like the sun. However, that privilege can be withdrawn anytime.  Bham! we fall dead on our expresso at the coffee shop.

one day = i-la-nga

two days = a-ma-la-nga

What the sun gives us cannot be quantified.  That is why millions of kids in Southern Africa are called sun.  They bring happiness when they are born and families hope they will grow up to be brilliant like the sun, bring goodwill and prosperity.

I-la-nga.  You say the first part like email, the second like light and the third part like Havenga.

A boy’s name meaning the sun.
A girl’s name meaning the sun.
A boy’s name meaning the sun is shining.
Khiphani izingubo zokulala zikhothwe i-langa.
Take out blankets so that they can be kissed by the sun.
Nizofika ngaliphi i-langa?
Which day are you coming?
Ngaliphi i-langa?
Which day?
Nge-langa lokuqala enyangeni.
The first day of the month.
A-ma-la-nga ayishumi.
Ten days.
U-phi u-Tracy?
Where is Tracy?
Sekunamalanga ngingamboni.
 I haven’t seen her for some days.
U-phi uPuskin?
Where is Pushkin?
Sekunamalanga ngingamboni.
I haven’t seen him for some days.
: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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