Internet Sabbatical

I’m playing the Lotto these days so that I can hire somebody to write content for this blog, while I go on sabbatical to study the weekly changes on cyberspace.

It is an open secret that I don’t understand Googla, Google’s designated language but I want to own up that I’m also partly to blame.  You see, I’m so busy blogging I’ve never used the Google marquee that was staring me in the face on the Google page.

I have never clicked on images, maps, news and translate.  I clicked on maps today and typed my home address.  Voila!  It came up.  I went to images and I typed the name of a famous director.  Presto, her photos came up.  Translate, showed languages I could use if I want my blog to be read by more people.

Cannot keep-up with internet-speak
Now you see why I need go on sabbatical?  It will allow me to get acquainted with the internet.  I just don’t have time to study Googla and other internet lingua franca because I’m always in a hurry. 

I go on-line to post things and rush back to my writing to prepare for the next post.  I never have time to ‘take a walk’ on-line, say hello to folks and get their views on RSS feed.  It will be nice to sit down for coffee at their widgets.

Yes.  I know what a widget is now.  I’ve seen these things on websites but I did not know how to install them.  Funny thing though is that the numbers are growing.  I need a second pair of reading glasses to find the real article, which is buried under adverts and widgets. 

We’ll end up having things called widgis.  Are you on widgi?  No but I’m on Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.  Sorry.  That is stamp technology (which means it is as outdated as the stamp).

My content writer will research, edit and send everything to y’all.  We will inform you that the Sweetness author has gone on sabbatical, internet sabbatical that is. 

I will then stroll on-line and learn more about how somebody in Spain asked somebody in Bangalore India, to design his website.  I’m not that adventurous.  My website designer should be a taxi ride away, not in another country.  There is so much I have to learn.

Too much information to digest
I have so many blogs I must visit when I’m on sabbatical.  I’m not good at manuals that come with my microwave or cell phone so I visit websites such as bnet where I spied Damon Brown.  He writes about gadgets in user-friendly English.  Maybe I should stick to writing content and hire somebody who will tell me what a cookie is.  Apparently it has nothing to do with stuff we eat with tea.

This person can give me advice on a monthly basis about new internet words that are doing the rounds.  No, it cannot be on a weekly basis.  There are only 24 hours in a day and there are other things to do away from this computer screen.

Nonqaba waka Msimang is the author of Sweetness the novel.


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