On Top in Zulu

Pic: Nonqaba waka Msimang.

On top is phezulu in Zulu, but the last syllable -lu is dropped and becomes phezu.  However, Christians call god, the one who is on top: o-nga-phezulu.

We put all kinds of things on top of book shelves.  Folks with fancy homes have a fireplace and a mantelpiece, where they put framed photos and kids’ sports trophies.
There should be no shoes on the table where people eat, the bed also.  A very rude person is described as, being so rude that he stands on top of the roof.  Some Bollywood movies have people inside and on top of buses.

Phe-zu-lu.  The first part is pronounced like pace, the second like zoo and the third part like look.

Gi-be-la phezu kwe-ndlu.
Go on top of the roof.
Gi-be-la phezu kwe-Mount Kenya.
Go on top of Mount Kenya.
Ye-hla phezu kwe-ndlu.
Come down from the roof.
Ngi-zo-fu-nda ngi-be phe-zulu.
I will go to school and be somebody on top.
Bhe-ka phe-zulu ubone i-zi-nka-nye-zi
Look up and see the stars.
Ba-the-mbe o-nga-phe-zu-lu.
They trust in god.
Be-ka u-mo-ba phezu kwe-ta-fula.
Put the sugar cane on the table.
A-ma-we-le a-dla-la phezu ko-mbhe-de.
The twins are playing on the bed.
Ye-ka-ni u-ku-dla-la phezu ko-mbhe-de.
Stop playing on the bed.
I-zi-tho-mbe zi-phezu kwe mantelpiece.
The photos are on the mantelpiece.
I-be-ke phezu kwe-fridge.
Put it on top of the fridge.
Ba-phe-zu-lu.  Aba-si-khu-lu-mi-si.
They are right on top (important).  They don’t talk to us.
U-sha-ye-la phezu-lu.
He walks with confidence like someone on top.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang


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