Make Soft in Zulu

Thambisa is to make something soft in Zulu.  It comes from thamba.  When it is soft, i-thambile.

Tha-mbi-sa.  You say the first part of the word like tally, the second part as in umbilical cord and the last part as in salsa.
Fish is nice and soft, but you cook meat longer if you want it to be soft and easy to chew.  Cookies from the oven are soft and melt in your mouth.
A man making unsuccessful moves on a woman might have encouraging friends that reassure him, that she will soften eventually.

Le-nyama i-tha-mbi-le.
This meat is soft.
Ba-tha-nda i-nya-ma e-tha-mbi-le.
They like soft meat.
Tha-mbi-sa nga-ma-nzi.
Soften it with water.
Tha-mbi-sa i-zwi Donald Trump.
Soften your tone Donald Trump.
Tha-mbi-sa i-zwi Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Soften your tone Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
A-ve e-tha-mbi-le.
She/he is soft spoken.
U-ma-ma u-mu-ntu o-tha-mbi-le.
My mother is soft spoken by nature.
U-ba-ba u-mu-ntu o-tha-mbi-le.
My father is soft spoken by nature.
U-zo-tha-mba u-Lena.
Lena will soften her stand.
U-zo-tha-mba u-Amina.
Amina will soften her stand.
I forced him/her to back down.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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