Veterans and Voter Suppression Laws

Short-changed by America. 

American veterans went to war because they believe their country is the ideal, to be emulated by the rest of the world.

That flame was even more vibrant for African Americans despite the rot. Their parents and grandparents had slavery and lynching scars. They themselves joined the army because they couldn’t get an education and jobs at home but, they still went abroad to protect democracy.

It was one of the reasons they believed America could be salvaged. Soldiers born and raised in the south know how Jim Crow prevented them from voting but they still believe that you can choose who you want in city hall, state legislature, White House, House of Representatives or Senate.

There are two sets of veterans. Veterans that still have all their faculties and limbs despite what they experienced in the trenches. The second set has half limbs. Both still believe in the U.S.A. so they vote in local and federal elections.

Voter suppression laws in Georgia  will singe that belief, especially with the second set of veterans because of reduced mobility. It’s not that easy to get around, so they are asking themselves about SB 202 and House Bill 531. 

Is it worth my time and health, because the new law will make lines even longer, because it makes weekend voting very difficult?

There’s more. No more early voting during holidays. I.D. screening to verify mail ballots. Ballot boxes placed inside buildings that are locked at night. Expansion of early voting for primaries and general elections but not for runoffs. Time between elections and runoffs condensed from 9 to 4 weeks. Restrictions on out of precinct voting and other voting barricades.

Veterans are back home, so some will stand in line for 8 hours to vote, but young African Americans won’t be lining up to join the military of a country that suppresses their vote.

This is another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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