Podcast Promotional Pics

Meghan Markle has been on T.V. her whole life, but she also doesn't have promo pics
for her Spotify podcast. Bloggers still need them. Always have promo pics for your digital content, even if it's a music video, short film or skit.

A podcast is a film production. That’s why it needs promotional pics.

Once upon a time before Covid-19, film sets were huge, all those people lugging tripods, light stands, cables, fabric, carpets, pulling clothes rails, wigs on foam core heads and industrial make-up boxes. In Bollywood, sets could also have the chai wallah, bringing tea in glass cups.

Photographers are part of film production and producers factor them in the budget, including travel and hotel costs for out of town or overseas shoots. Black Panther for example.

Ryan Coogler, the director shot some scenes in Busan, Korea. Canada is also popular with American producers because they can shoot ‘American scenes’ cheaply in Toronto, Winnipeg or Vancouver.

Pics are for the movie poster, which is farmed out to people who financed the movie, news channels, entertainment shows, advertisers, tourism agents and other interested parties. It’s all digital now, including podcasts.

Promoting Your Podcast

Twitter, a breath-you-take distribution outlet does not wash away the need for promotional digital photographs. Not everyone sees the tweet promoting your podcast because, we miss a tweet with every breath we take.

Therefore, think like a photographer on a big movie production. What kind of pics will grab Twitter attention? Facebook and Instagram are billboards. They are stationary whereas Twitter is like the Autobahn in Germany, so think fast and firm. Get a designated photographer and decide on the close-up and medium shots.

1. Shots of you talking to camera person.

2. You talking to previous guests. Get their permission to use those digital images.

3. Choosing what to wear. Trevor Noah of The Daily Show for example. He could look at various colors of his world famous hoodies.

4. You could get a shot of lacing your sneakers, because a podcast is a marathon.

No selfies. Whatever you do, make digital shots memorable. You are not the only fish in the sea. Sorry, the only podcast online.

This is another ‘written podcast’ from Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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