Nameless Trump


Photo Credit: online pic.

Undocumented Americans will continue to be the trump card in the next presidential election on 3 November 2020, because they own the name ‘America’. 

By undocumented I don’t mean people who live in the U.S. without legal papers, but closet voters who carry Black Lives Matter placards during the day and vote Trump on their computers at night.

Some of them are responsible for the empty seats in Tulsa Oklahoma during the Trump rally in June, that was supposed to be the mother of future rallies.

Much as they support the sitting president, nameless voters took the health of the nation into consideration, the health of the world in fact because COVID-19 is a classless society. It affects royalty (Prince Charles), heads of state (Boris Johnson), movie stars (Tom Hanks) and comedians (D.L. Hugley). 

Nameless Trump supporters therefore decided to avoid the rally, but Democrats should not interpret that as a direct deposit in their bank account. It’s all about the name. Nameless Trump supporters still have equity on the number one asset: America.

Unless Democrats also reclaim the name, and convince unconvinced voters that the name America is not, and should not be synonymous with one individual, they might have a heart attack on 3 November.

Where would Democrats begin? It won’t be easy. How do they fight a slogan like Make America Great Again? It invokes patriotism, which transcends logic. 

There’s no need for fact finding. How bad was America before Trump approached the podium? Who cares about BEFORE and AFTER fact sheets? Trump voters figure what is at stake is the country, the homeland that Democrats are trying to destroy.

Negative statistics about how the U.S. President is handling the COVID-19 pandemic and rising numbers of American deaths cannot hold a candle to patriotism.

Nameless Trump supporters still cling to the name, America. They regard anything and anybody against Trump unpatriotic. Anti-American.

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.




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