Feed in Zulu

Photo credit: online pic
Feed is fu-nza in Zulu. Fu-nza. You say the first part like full and the second like panzer, a German war machine.

Kids sit on their high chairs and expect somebody to feed them. When last did you go to the zoo? Big sign DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS. Geese used to hunt for their own food but we buy crumbs and feed them. That is why they toggle towards humans when we talk a walk along the river.

Kids are also empty vessels we feed with racism, hatred, religious intolerance and perceived ideas of superiority. We are back at work and ambitious co-workers feed the boss with lies against others.

Fu-nza (feed) is also part of marriage rites where bride and groom feed each other cake or traditional food. Movies love scenes where couples feed each other, ‘Ooooh! So romantic!’ You gush.



Feed the baby.

Funza ingane.

Mother is feeding the baby.

U-mama u-funza ingane.

Nurse Gail is feeding the patient.

U-Nurse Gail u-funza isiguli.

Nurse Ayisha feeds older patients.

U-Nurse Ayisha ufunza iziguli e-zindala.

She doesn’t want to feed the baby.

A-kafuni u-kufunza ingane.

History feeds us lies.

Umlando u-si-funza amanga.

Propaganda feeds us lies.

U-hulumeni u-si-funza amanga.

Bruno, don’t feed ducks.

Bruno, musa u-kufunza amadada.

Hospitals feed critical patients with machines.

Ezibhedlela bafunza abagula kakhulu ngemishini.


By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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