Bigger/Senior in Zulu

Something big is -khulu in Zulu. A good starting point for you, as a Zulu student is the family and age.

Baba is father in English, right? Grandfather is baba-mkhulu.
Mama is mother in English right? Grandmother is simply khulu.
Your mother’s elder sister however, is mam’khulu.

African American filmmakers like Tyler Perry like using characters called ‘big mama’ which means grandmother. In Africa however, if I say she is mam’khulu, I mean she is my mother’s elder sister.

Back to -khulu. It means big, or too much. The sun is hot or I love you very much. I have to be careful with the jerk sauce from Jamaica, otherwise the food will the too hot.

The U.S. President tweets a lot (u-tweeter kakhulu). The Middle East is very angry for Trump’s assassination of military commander Qassem Soleimani.

Khu-lu. You say the first part like cook and the second part like look.
Ka-khu-lu. You say the first part like Kamala Harris, the second like cook and the third part like look.

I-Iran idinwe ka-khulu.
Iran is very angry.
U-baba u-dinwe ka-khulu.
Father is very angry.
Musa u-kufaka u-sawoti ka-khulu.
Do not put too much salt.
Musa u-kufaka upelepele ka-khulu.
Do not put too much chilli.
Bathandana ka-khulu.
They love each other a lot.
Ilanga lishisa ka-khulu manje.
The sun is too hot now.
Ku-shisa ka-khulu e-Dubai.
Dubai is very hot.
Kubanda ka-khulu e-Moscow.
Moscow is very cold.
U-phuza ka-khulu u-Zephania.
Zephania drinks too much.
U-dla ka-khulu u-Zanele.
Zanele eats a lot.
U-Tim u-funda ka-khulu.
Time reads a lot.
Ingane ikhala ka-khulu ubusuku.
The baby cries a lot at night.
Mude ka-khulu.
He is very tall.
Umuzi wakhe mu-khulu.
Her house is very big.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.
A big house (u-muzi om-khulu)
Photo: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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