Not Heavy in Zulu

Light is lu-la in Zulu. As light as a feather. Light house work. Some people prefer a light lunch.

Clouds look light don’t they? I’ve never tested them because planes have thick windows for crazy passengers who might consider touching them.

Lu-la. You say the first part like look and the second one like light.

People who live in South Africa also use lu-la to mean yes, O.K., or no problem. You might stop at the gas station and ask the gas attendant to fill up the tank. ‘Ku-lu-la,’ he might respond meaning it’s easy, I’ll fill up the tank.

Elections are not easy. Canada’s 2019 federal election in October is a case in point. All parties lost seats except Bloc Quebecois based in Quebec, the French-speaking province, which collected 32 seats. The NDP was decimated, and the big question is: where did its traditional voters defect to?

Impeachment is not easy, but an inquiry is going on in the United States to find evidence that will impeach President Trump. Some people think it is a waste of time because the buck stops with the Senate, where his party, the Republican Party has keys to the safe (to the vote).

Marriage is not lu-la my child, advice mothers gave daughters in 1719, 1819, 1919 and 2019. Do fathers give sons the same advice? Let’s hope so.

Ku-lu-la ukupheka.Cooking is easy.
U-lu-la umqamelo.A pillow is light.
U-pha-phe lu-lu-la.A feather is light.
Ngi-ce-la i-decaf coffee.May I have decaf coffee please?
Kulula, i-decaf coffee iyeza.That’s easy (no problem) decaf coming up.
Ku-ku-de e-Gauteng.Gauteng is far.
Ku-lu-la ngemoto.It’s easier by car.
Ku-ku-de e-Dubai.Dubai is far.
Ku-lu-la nge-bhanoyi.It’s easier by plane.
I-lu-la i-Mathematics.Mathematics is easy.
Cha, a-yi-lu-la.No it is not.
Ku-lu-la ukuba indoda.Being a man is easy.
Cha aku-lu-la.No it is not easy.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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