Drama at wedding seating arrangements. Store display. So, you’ve decided on a spring wedding? No problem, love is in the air or you’ve accepted an arranged marriage proposal. The problem is managing your family at the sit-down dinner, managing, because family is not monochrome. Siblings carry the same surname and religion, but they come in different ages, temperament, economic circumstances, education, culture arrogance and where they live at the time of your wedding. These categories are no help either, for example, putting married couples at the same table might come with a nasty surprise where a couple announces a divorce. Also, married women that are not allowed to breathe a word at home dread wedding seating arrangements that reinforce their nonentity existence. But married women have no trauma compared to your single girlfriends or divorcees. They feel their unicorn status more in social gatherings such as weddings and parties, where some married women r