Green Party and Paul

Annamie Paul. online pic.

Like any new manager, Annamie Paul, leader of the Green Party of Canada faces entrenched traditions, allegiances and other currents that are not enshrined in any policy document.

New managers have three choices. Do nothing, don’t rock the boat and enjoy the rewards of being a good sport. Second choice, re-arrange the furniture a bit and get half-applause because the furniture belongs to someone or a group.

Third choice is throw out the cumbersome furniture and buy folding chairs and tables that can be used in many locations including the garden. The coffeemaker, which sits on a large table can also go because everybody buys brew from the coffee shop down the road.

Very few new managers opt for the third choice because like new kids in a new school, they want to be liked. That’s why they opt for the second choice. We therefore assume Annamie Paul went for it, rearrange furniture a bit.

We assume that she did not do this willy nilly, but consulted something tangible like the Green Party Constitution and other policy documents. Voters are hearing rustling rumors about the intention to remove Annamie Paul as leader. If there is, there must be someone anointed already.

If there is, it will be in the Party’s best interest to base the removal on the Constitution and not flawed tradition, allegiances and other currents that pander to certain individuals, who benefit in the furniture sitting in the same position.

Article 3.2. of the Green Party Constitution: “to elevate and nurture caring and compassionate values among all peoples and all cultures which will provide the basis for sustaining, just, democratic, peaceful and diverse communities.”

This is another ‘written podcast’ from Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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