Creative Writing Limit


Your first novel huh? How is it going?

Fiction has its advantages, especially with crafting pages. One of them is creative writing but the question is: How much? Do you throw in a creative phrase in every page? Bad idea.

Maybe I shouldn’t say that. Some readers might like it. Personally, I wouldn’t. It will read too much like a minister’s speech which says a lot, but not nothing, because he must not anger any of his 10 constituents. I don’t envy politicians. It must be difficult to say it’s not raining, when everyone is under an umbrella.

Writers should limit creative writing to appease readers like me who detest assembly line writing. Oh! No! You don’t have to say I’ll only throw in a creative line after every 20 pages, no. It’s all seamless. You’ll come to a stop street. You’ll look right and left and proceed with a creative line.

Wonderful, just wonderful. You’ll smile and wonder at the wonder of you. The joy of being a writer is self-indulgence, saying aren’t I clever? I must call mum. Mothers are usually not impressed because they have bills to pay and live in the real world, not fiction.

Creative writing is writing that connects you to the reader. I’ve thought about that says the reader. It’s funny you should say that. It’s so sad the way this novel puts it, but it’s exactly the way it is. The sun? You must be kidding. The sun can never ask permission from anyone. It is the sun. It doesn’t have a boss. It is the boss.

“That day the sun squatted itself in the middle of a white cloud so that it seemed as though a poached egg were floating in the sky.” P. 28, novel Augustown, by Kei Miller.

This is another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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