Biden Beware 11/2020

Joe Biden and Democrats should not ‘change the drapes yet’ said one commentator online. Good advice, because ‘ikusasa kalaziwa’, a Zulu proverb that means nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, 3 November 2020 in this case.

Team Biden/Harris should not put too much into President Trump’s self-induced suicide, double/double speaking. They should don their masks instead and search for undetected voters, who do not live in computers and cellphones. That however, is a problem because COVID-19 has pruned all meetings. The virus is downright anti-human.

Team Biden/Harris will be inviting palpitations big time if they assume that they have 11/2020 signed , sealed and delivered. Ask Hilary Rodham Clinton about how she lost to Trump in 2016. The very thought must give her massive palpitations, to this day.

“I was running a traditional presidential campaign with carefully thought-out policies and painstakingly built coalitions, while Mr. Trump was running a reality TV show that expertly and relentlessly stoked Americans’ anger and resentment.” New York Post, 7 September , 2017.

The NDP, one of Canada’s five big political parties, also got a whiplash of palpitations in the 2015 federal election. They were the flavour of year, after Rachel Notley dethroned the Alberta Conservative Party, which had been in power in this province for 44 years.

What could go wrong? Tom Mulcair the leader, spoke English and French fluently (you need this if you want to be Prime Minister of Canada). The Liberal Party cleaned the buffet table and formed a majority government led by Justin Trudeau, critics had dismissed as too young to rule.

Back to the Trump/Pence Biden/Harris face-off. Trump is still confident that he and he alone can win the race. You can’t blame him for his confidence because he has never regarded himself as part of a bigger whole, the Republican Party.

Biden/Harris on the other hand are hoping that the team spirit they bring to the table will carry the day. This is where the warning about palpitations come in.

There’s a saying in Zulu, a language spoken mainly in South Africa. It’s about hunting. No-seyishayile a-kakayosi, no-seyosile a-kakayidli, no-seyidlile, udl’icala.


The hunter that caught the bird with his sling shot has not roasted it.

The person who roasted it has not eaten it.

The person who ate it, ate a problem.

Biden/Harris beware the Ides of March. Shakespeare.

Another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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