Safekeeping in Zulu
Safekeeping is thu-ku-sa in Zulu. Thu-ku-sa is for both hiding money from pushing drugs and putting away things for safekeeping. Hiding is more obvious, like a child hiding a chocolate behind his back. What are you hiding? Nothing mama. Show me your hand . The chocolate gooey trickles down his fingers. He licks it. Cute, premium cute! Hiding is also hiding from the police and flying to Pyongyang, hoping North Korea doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S. Mama used to thu-ku-sa , hide money and things she will use in future. Oops! She forgot sometimes. We used to thu-ku-sa things in savings accounts for a rainy day. Credit cards destroyed that. What rainy day? It is spending waya waya (all the time) as they say South Africa. Thu-ku-sa is also hiding a full human being because polygamy is illegal in most countries. Some rich men in the U.K. hide mistresses in these townhouses called mews or buy them penthouses in Manhattan. Thu-ku-sa . You say the first part like