Investigate in Zulu

Investigate is phe-nya in Zulu.

They want to impeach Donald Trump. Bad idea. Investigating him will triple his voters. He was put in the White House by the vote. Let the 2020 election decide whether he remains there or looks for another job.

Politicians are always investigated. Sportsmen too. Television sitcom icons are investigated. Musicians are investigated. U-ya-pheny-wa (He is being investigated.)

Phenya means to look carefully. You cannot find something because the closet is in such a mess so,your mother says phenya. Our desks are crying for help from the clutter. That is why we have to lift up things to find that short story print out.

Nature is not on anybody’s payroll. It dances to its own tune. Cloudy skies, torrential rain, angry wind, then it settles. The sun reappears after its vacation. Ancient people who crafted the Zulu language said: I-zu-lu li-ya-phenya (the sky is clearing).

You meet someone online. He says you should meet in Central Park or a certain river at night. You are found dead, brutalized in a manner that shows premium hate. It is difficult for the police to conduct an investigation.
Police had stopped for coffee, so i shot their bikes.

 Phe-nya. You say the first part like pair, the second like New York, with an -a-. There was a country the British called Nyasaland. Local people renamed it Malawi, after independence from the English royal family.
Ba-yangi-phenya, kusho President Trump.They are investigating me, said President Trump.
A-maphoyisa a-phenya ukufa kwakhe.Police are investigating his death.
I-bhange li-phenya a-ba-khuthuzi basemoyeni.The bank is investigating internet fraud.
Siyajabula. Izulu liyaphenya.We are happy, the weather/sky is clearing.
Phenya-ni, ni-ngitshele u-kuthi I-mali yam’ i-shonephi.Investigate and tell me what happened to my money.
Si-sa-phenya.We are still investigating.
U-Samora u-zo-phenya kusasa.Samora will investigate tomorrow.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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