I Can't Blog

You can, because you think about things. Your frustration comes when you read blogs. Let’s look at these two thoughts.

‘I thought about that.’
‘I think about that all the time.’

Bham! Number two is definitely a blog brewing if you think about snow all the time, how pretty it is when it falls, horrible when it melts, your old snow boots stashed away in the basement, all the funny snow hats in your closet, certain people who always buy you snow boots for Christmas, your first embarrassing fall on an icy pavement, community events to celebrate the first snow, your favourite snow recipes, kids and snow, entertaining kids when there’s no school for a few days because of a snow shut-out, snow art, old black and white snow photos you found in the library and the danger of having all that snow melting because the air is warmer than it was before.

Caution. Your blog should not be things you lifted from the Weather Network or news networks about climate change. In other words, avoid anything that is online already. Visitors want things they cannot get somewhere else, and your biggest reward will be when someone says: ‘I thought about that.’

Looking good, looking good! We have a blog here. Title? SOMETIMES IT SNOWS. No? Let’s give it another shot but you can’t say Snow Queen, you are not an ice cream flavour or eye make-up. You can do some online research and see if the title has been taken. That is where originality helps. Your title should be unique, specific to you. How about SNOW PANCAKES? Yes, talk about opposites. Snow=cold, pancakes=heat.

Content determines the language. The audience determines the language.  Class determines the language. Oxford University language vs. working class language. Sorbonne University in France speech vs. working class French in Cotonou, Benin, Africa.  Use your language, not Shakespeare’s.

When you have something to say. We all struggle to come up with original content, unless you are Amitabh Bachchan, the movie star and movie producer from India.

As long as you have something to say, but most bloggers start small, half a typed page and finally a page depending on the font.

You can type, right?

By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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