Buy in Zulu

Buy is the-nga in Zulu.

Anything can be bought, including human beings. There are fake employment agencies in Africa and Europe, which are nothing but the stock exchange for buying and selling girls. Girls trust recruiters because they are from their country, speak the same language.  

Other girls ‘fall in love’ with strangers online and fly out to marry them, only to find that the marriage is selling their bodies. It won’t stop as long as girls believe that life abroad is better than in their countries.

Political votes can be bought either blatantly or camouflaged, like in countries with a long history of so-called ‘democracy’.  Money doesn’t have to change hands. It’s a matter of, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

Get South African currency from the bank. Market women prefer cash.
 Tourists globally are disappointed.  They want to buy things made by local people only to find that most tourist hubs now sell handicrafts and clothes from China, like the Howick Falls market in KZN.

Original societies used the barter system before the introduction of coins and paper money. That is also changing. Countries in the European Union collapsed all their currencies into the euro. That might also be redundant in the future if more people buy goods online. Businesses also encourage us to buy things online, and pick them up at the store.

The-nga. You pronounce the first part like tell, the second like the surname Havenga.

Abavakashi bafuna ukuthenga izinto ezenziwe e-South Africa.
Tourists want to buy things made in South Africa.
Amahle ama-boots.
Your boots are nice.
Ngiwa-thenge online.
I bought them online.
U-thenga amehlo abantu.
He is buying people’s eyes (he is deceiving them).
Ngizo thenga amasi.
I’ve come to buy yogurt.
Bazo thenga ubisi.
They’ve come to buy milk.
Thenga izicathulo. Lezi zigugule.
Buy shoes. These are worn out.
U-Tom no-Tammy bazo thenga imoto.
Tom and Tammy will buy a car.
Hamba uyo thenga impepho.
Go and buy incense.
Ba-thenga amavoti ngokudla.
They use food to buy votes.
U-nompempe uthengiwe.
They bribed the referee (if soccer fans think he is unfair).
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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