Coffee Break
Bonding with co-workers. Unfortunately, kids are sent to college with the expectation that they will get better jobs after graduation. If they are not in Economics or Business Studies, they are not conditioned to start their own businesses so that they can pocket the lion’s share of profits and also have people to boss around. If they are lucky in the year of the lord 2019/2020, they will get jobs but there are two main hurdles: · the boss and · co-workers The boss is no problem because if he says JUMP, you say how high. Co-wor kers, however, are more complicated. You need kid gloves to juggle egos and claims of superiority and a constant smile on your face to demonstrate that you are a team player. There’s also the coffee challenge. You get a job where your section goes out for coffee once a week to bond in an informal setting. How do you contribute to the camaraderie when you don’t know anything about Bugs Bunny, baseball batting average