The Moon and Computer Updates
Thank god Microsoft cannot update
the sun and moon.
By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.
Most kids are brought up not to
say bad words, unless they are normal conversation at home 24/7 and parents say
sh---this, sh--- that. But from time to
time, parents slip and use a bad word.
Daddy that’s a bad word.”
“Sorry honey, it’s these updates.”
Daddy’s frustration comes from
lost but not found. Something is bound
to be lost during updates. Where’s the
dictionary and thesaurus? Where is autosave? Microsoft, in its Gates-full wisdom tells me
to upload the file first. And what happened to caps at the beginning of a sentence?
Why fix it if it’s not broken? Break it to justify updates. Daddy is livid because maybe like me, he uses
a Microsoft product to write and use pics on blogs. He has photo files organised chronologically
into 2017, 2018 and 2019 or by subject matter.
My files disappeared from the
desk top and I must retrieve them from somewhere. The sun and moon should thank its lucky stars
that Microsoft and company cannot ‘update’ them, otherwise it will be chaos,
with the moon dancing above Beethoven House in Bonn in broad daylight and the
sun fumbling in the dark at the Champs-Élysées in Paris, muttering in broken French, where
am I?
Hashtag #usersagainstupdates.By: Nonqaba waka Msimang.