E-Mail is Still King

Don’t give up on e-mail.

It is still an important business tool, despite Twitter’s direct messages, texting or calling somebody.  You can give more details and include attachments in an email.  
It is therefore frustrating when business people don’t respond to your email and you know they received it because it goes straight to their phone.  The reality is that some people delete e-mail without reading because of the volume.  There are too many messages from voracious advertisers and strangers.

The trick is to grab the attention of the person you have never met.  How? Your subject should be clear and as concise as possible.  You sent an email to someone who is on the plane from Vancouver to Toronto and will be there for a week.  There are people in the office that can attend to your query. 
She doesn’t have time to read the body of your email but, the subject matter is clearly defined, so she knows the right person to forward it to.

Taxes 2018 T4
Annual rent increase
School picnic May 19
Change of venue for March 10 meeting
Name of the Acting Director of Operations
Relief funds for Hurricane Benedicta
Request to speak at Holy Cross graduation June 8
Volunteers to patrol parks while kids play
Memorial service for Joe Bland 24 February
Cooking lessons for 10-year-old boys.
Negative media about our congressman
Fundraising for Iowa junior hockey's trip to Geneva
By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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