Sick in Zulu
Sick is gu-la in Zulu.
It is the flu season right now and there’s a lot of blowing
noses, coughing, mountain high sneezing and shivering. We are sick in Canada because of the cold
weather. Si-ya-gu-la.
That is natural, no problem.
You boil some home remedies or visit your doctor. Other people are not so lucky. They are sick from love. The sickness usually comes from lack of
reciprocity. A loves B. B is not interested because he loves someone online
who lives in Bucharest.
Someone who is not rational is also called sick. Some people are so unhappy at home, they
off-load their misery on workers. U-ya-gu-la, she is sick. Irrational politicians are also called sick.
The sun can also make you sick. Mama told us to sleep in the shade not the
direct sun, because it is so powerful, we would get sick.Gu-la. The first part is pronounced like good and the second part like luck.
U-ya-gula. The first part is pronounced like ooze, the second like yard, the third like good and the last part like luck.
Ku-ya-ba-nda. Si-ya-gu-la.
It is cold. We are sick.
U-ya-gu-la u-Emmanuel.
Emmanuel is sick.
U-ya-gu-la u-Clementina.
Clementina is sick.
U-Helmut no-Greta ba-ya-gu-la.
Helmut and Greta are sick.
U-Nicolae no-Natalia ba-ya-gu-la.
Nicolae and Natalia are sick.
U-Judy u-ya-ngi-gu-li-sa.
Judy makes me sick (I don’t like her. She irritates me).
A-ka-gu-li. U-mi-thi.
She is not sick, just pregnant.
A-ka-gu-li. A-ka-fu-ni u-ku-ya e-si-ko-le-ni.
He is not sick. He doesn’t want
to go to school.
I am sick.
U-gu-li-swa yi-ni?
What make you sick?
Ngi-gu-li-swa u-tha-ndo.
Love is making me sick.
I’m sick because I got caught in the rain.
Ngi-dle ka-khu-lu.
I’m sick because I ate too much.