Believe in Zulu
To believe is kho-lwa in Zulu.
Some people did not believe that Donald Trump will become president
of the USA. Democrats and Republicans
are making all kinds of promises for the 2018 Midterm elections in
November. Will voters believe them?
People believe in religion and their parents. They also believe in runway models, movies stars,
singers and ball players. That is why
they buy clothes, handbags, cough mixtures, pasta sauces and anything famous
people advertise in magazines, television and online.
As for me, I believe in the lowest price, as in 80% off before
I fork out some dollars. No, I’m not
cheap. I just believe in keeping the
little cash I have close to my chest. Or is it in my purse?
Teaching Zulu students how to say kho-lwa is going to be a challenge but we shall try. You say the first part of the verb like cobweb,
the second part like kohl, but add -wa
as in want. Somebody born in South Africa,
Swaziland or Zimbabwe, will help you figure it out.Please note: Religion itself is i-nko-lo, a noun.
I don’t believe it.
A-ngi-kho-lwa u-ku-thi ngi-pha-si-le.
I don’t believe I passed.
A-ba-kho-lwa u-ku-thi ba-wi-ni-le.
They don’t believe they won.
Ngi-zo-kholwa u-ma ngi-mu-bona u-Themba.
I’ll believe it when I see Themba (maybe there were rumours that he
is dead).
U-Thandi a-ka-kho-lwa u-ku-thi ngi-ya-mu-tha-nda.
Thandi doesn’t believe I love her.
U-Dennis a-ka-kho-lwa u-ku-thi ngi-ya-mu-tha-nda.
Dennis doesn’t believe I love him.
Ba-kho-lwa e-ma-Za-yo-ni.
They believe in the Baptist Church. It is called the Zionist Church
in South Africa.
Christians (believers).
I-so-nto la-ma-kho-lwa.
Christian (believers’) church.
U-kho-lwa ba-ni, u-Joyce no-ma u-Sally?
Who do you believe, Joyce or Sally?
Ngi-kho-lwa u-Sally.
I believe Sally.
We-na, u-kho-lwa ba-ni?
You, who do you believe?
Ngi-kho-lwa u-mama.
I believe my mother.