Point in Zulu
Point is kho-mba in Zulu. Movies. How many movies have you seen where there is a line-up of possible murderers or gangsters and the witness fingers one? Too many, made me leave Hollywood. Scripts too predictable. Where was I? Yes, kho-mba has some taboos in Zulu culture e.g. you don’t point a finger at elders. There is also a saying: u-zo-wu-kho-mba u-mu-zi o-no-tshwa-la , meaning you will speak the truth when I’m done with you. That is the loose translation, I think. Brides in Nigerian movies are asked to give the bridegroom palm wine, the traditional drink. That is her way of pointing him, confirming her choice. T eacher : 5 + 5 =? Hands shoot up in Grade 1, so that the teacher can point at one of the eager, tender trusting minds for the answer. When people are lost, you help them by pointing the way, turn left here and right at the crossroads, but never say you’ll turn left where the dog is barking. What if the dog is on sabbatical? When a king