Trump Behind The Camera

The outcome of the November 2018 U.S. midterm election will be largely determined by interior and exterior political extras that put Donald Trump in the White House.

Interior and exterior is film lingua franca and is the most apt way to describe how he came to power.  Movie directors tell stories through scenes shot inside buildings or on the street and park benches.  Remember the park bench scene in Forrest Gump? Directors also use lights for exterior scenes but not as much as they do for interior shots.
Analysis on elections tends to focus on exterior shots: previous elections’ statistics, age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, geographical position of these United States of America (as people down south call the U.S), new American citizens, polls and other quantifiable data.

The Trump effect is an enigma for political pundits.  They have a difficult time trying to pinpoint how extras in interior scenes feel.  These voters or extras are more intense.  They are concentrated like dams, deep and black, not transparent like Kool Aid.
Like dams, they feel like water constrained in containers, limited spaces.  That is why President Trump seems to be the only answer to their problem, about what America ought to be.  Many factors are responsible for feeling claustrophobic and the media is no longer perceived as the only culprit.

Online blogs, cartoonists, comedians, late night talk show hosts are exterior shots that ridicule Donald Trump, their saviour.  Voters in interior scenes tend to be introverts.  They seldom articulate their beliefs for fear of being labelled not politically correct. 
This is not to suggest that all Trump voters have limited education or are internet shy. There are closet Trump voters in all so-called ‘liberal’ spaces.  The world can laugh at America until the internet crashes, they don’t care.  

They have a trump card to keep Trump in power: a small space, an interior space with no lights on tripods and no director to call action.  It is the ballot box.
By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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