Countries in Zulu

Countries have currencies (imali).
Wakanda is a country in the movie Black Panther.  A country i-zwe in Zulu. Many countries ama-zwe.  I-zwe is also land (soil, gold, platinum, and vegetation).

I-zwe.  The first part is pronounced as in e-mail, the second part as in the German word Zwilling.
The United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) are composed of many countries, so is the Commonwealth.  
Wars over land are part of history and are still going on, leading to refugees and displacement.

I-zwe le-thu.
Our land.
I-Kenya i-zwe le-thu.
Kenya is our country.
Germany i-zwe lethu.
Germany is our country.
Brazil i-zwe le-thu.
Brazil is our country.
Canada i-zwe le-thu.
Canada is our country.
I-zwe li-kabani?
Whose country is it?
I-zwe la-mi.
It’s my country.
I-UAE i-zwe la-bo.
The UAE is their land.
A-ma-zwe a-ma-bi-li.
Two countries.
A-ma-zwe a-ma-ni-ngi.
Many countries.
France ne-Spain a-ma-zwe a-khe-le-ne.
France and Spain are neighbouring countries.
Ba-fe-la i-zwe la-bo.
They are dying for their country.
I-li-phi i-zwe lakho?
What is your country?


Question: I-li-phi i-zwe lakho?

Answer:  ……….. i-zwe lami. (fill in the blank e.g. Portugal, U.S. Poland)

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang


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