Threats To Reading and Writing

Business plans include scanning the business environment to identify threats.  For example, the fax machine had no way of knowing that it will be put out of business by e-mail attachments.
Education should also do some introspection and identify threats to reading and writing.  We mocked grandparents for not knowing how to read and write, although they could predict a poor harvest by identifying unusual animal movements.

Reading and writing is no longer a priority because we use mediums that encourage brevity.  Twitter laid to rest correct spelling because of 140 characters, which have been selectively doubled, for now.
We also don’t have time.  We are extremely busy flying from one post to the next and there are so many videos of celebrities to watch, and so little time.  That is why Twitter and the fraternity allow us to LIKE, SHARE or RETWEET. 

They still provide the section for comments but who uses it?  We are scared how they will be received.  A comment might be a joke but received as an insult.  Worse still, faceless people unhappy with their lives just use profanity.  We can also disable comments.

Emoji to the rescue.  No need to think of a diplomatic way of writing a comment.  Just click a happy or winking face.

Reading and writing doesn’t seem to be a reason for getting an education, anymore.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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