Internet DNA

A tipi.

It will be very difficult to explain the internet to aliens because the platform doesn’t have a residential address. It doesn’t have flags either, something Europe introduced to continents they stole, which they now call poor.

Aliens love street numbers and zip codes so that they can drop by and play with the kids and, never grew up kids. Aliens don’t exist anymore because Hollywood got tired of the script or, did we get tired? That’s another story.

The internet is mainly a den of thieves, chameleons and a market place. We can also put down the cellphone for a minute and look up and compare it with sky tenants.

The Sun: The sun gives life, so do many useful things we get online: information about schools opening and closing, planes taking off on time or delayed, Covid-19 vaccination sites, hospitals in your area, shops, kindergarten, the weather, traffic lights not working, GPS, places to avoid because of floods or fire etc.

The Moon: The internet hosts things done in the dark, literally and figuratively: flesh sites, night clubs, selling and buying human beings, hackers, G7 countries, false prophets, propaganda etc.

Stars: The internet also sells an illusion, about the beautiful people (because of make-up), their kids, vacation, anniversaries, red carpet, break-ups and messy divorce. This is the most important for industries that sell products for that illusion.

Clouds: The internet is not stationary. That cloud looks like a lion. You blink and it has changed into a log. The internet cannot be pinned down.

What is the internet? It depends on how you see it and the language you speak.

This is another ‘written podcast’ by Nonqaba waka Msimang. 


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