Mother's Day on the Bus

We take the bus for many reasons:

1.       credit is in the bureau so we can’t buy a car

2.       the car is in the shop. no money to pay auto mechanics

3.       darling uses our car because he works way out there

4.       parking downtown drives us crazy

5.       sitting in the car for 30 minutes because of road construction makes us suicidal

6.       we never learnt how to drive

7.       we are too old to drive (like Prince Phillip, husband to the Queen of England and colonies)

8.       my wife was laid off. she couldn’t meet monthly payments, so the bank repossessed the car

9.       No money for gas

10.   we are writers looking for unique fiction characters

1st of May 2019, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Mother and daughter board the bus.  We know because she is on her cellphone but keeps saying yes mom.  Mom talks softly, literally into her ear. 

Mom gingerly stands up after a few stops, presses the bell and stands near the driver.  Door opens and she steps down.
‘Bye Mom,’ says the online daughter, without raising her head.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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